Anaheim, CA

May 22


Disneyland, y'all! I have not been since I was 8! It was still a magical experience - the happiest place on Earth for sure. We rode every ride possible. Jude was already in love with Tinker Bell. I think this sealed the deal. 

May 23


Day 2 was a different story from Day 1, let me tell you! All of you who gave advice about getting to the Guardians of the Galaxy ride first thing, I hate all of you. And that's totally not my style - hate. But I have good reason. Read carefully. The Guardians of the Galaxy ride used to be called the TOWER OF TERROR! Read it again - the TOWER OF TERROR! It's a zero gravity fall ride to the vomitous extreme. Up, up, down, down, up, up, up, up, up, down to your death! Just a warning. It never stops. Not one person let me in on the details. Barf! After a full-on vomiting pregnancy I am done with that business. Again, just to make it clear - BARF!

Can't see me. Head's down always saves the stomach. I am a total wuss these days.
I rode in these teacups when I was little. Jules is taking a short nap.

I flew with Dumbo when I was a child. It was such an adventure with Jude. We laughed and laughed.

Beautiful thing: It's a small world has not changed since it was built. It's a trip back in time. I LOVED it! 

Carsland is a blast! Looks JUST LIKE THE MOVIE! 

Blue Churros! Mmmmmm.

We watched the first 10 minutes of The Incredibles 2! CAN'T WAIT. This first Incredibles is way high on my list as the best of all time.

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